두가지 과거의 사건을 비교하면서 말하고 싶을때 사용한다.




1) South Korea became independent - August 15th 1948 // 대한민국이 독립한 날

2) The Titanic sank - 1912

3) The Berlin Wall was destroyed - 1989

4) The UK voted to leave the EU - 2017


이렇게 4가지 과거중 2가지 일이 있는데 (벌써 끝난 일),

1) 타이타닉사건이 한국의 독립기념일보다는 빨리 발생됐다.

2) 베를린 장벽부신날은 영국 브렉시트보다 빨리 발생됐다.


그래서 영어로 말을 하면

1) When the Titanic sank South Korea had already become independent.

2) When the Berlin Wall was destroyed, The Titanic had already sunk.

3) The Berlin Wall had been destroyed before the UK voted to leave the EU.


[ref link]



The Past Perfect Tense

Easy explanations about the past perfect tense in English with lots of exercises.



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